Sapphire Gemfields Interpretive Trail

· Sparkling Sapphires
· Curious Characters
· Tales, Tall but True
· Full on Family Fun

Get out and about and enjoy a day or two of discovery when you join this unique and innovative tourism trail. Visitors can take themselves on a historic journey through the four townships of Queensland’s Sapphire Gemfields, the largest sapphire gemfields in the southern hemisphere.

Follow the trail of interpretive signage and listen at the solar-powered audio posts on the trail to truly immerse yourself in life on the ‘Fields.

The trail includes geo-cache activities and is part of the Dig the Tropic geo-tourism adventure.

Note: Signage directs visitors to download an app to access augmented reality features however this is currently unavailable.

The interpretive trail was funded by the Central Highlands Regional Council and the Australian Government’s Tourism Demand Driver Infrastructure (TDDI) Program, administered by the Queensland Government’s Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games.

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