Lake Maraboon near Emerald in the Central Queensland Highlands is well known for its abundant Red Claw.
Here are our top tips to help you catch the tasty crayfish.
- Red Claw are best caught in Opera House traps. A maximum of four pots are permitted per person and must be labelled with your contact details.
- When it comes to bait, every fisher has their own theory, but fruit, partially cooked vegetables, and pet food are most popular.
- Place the pots at various depths (three to six metres), near weed beds, submerged trees, or rocks.
- Leave the pots for a few hours, ideally overnight.
Transport your Red Claw in iced water to slow them down, and once home, let them purge in clean water.
The only decision left is how to cook them.
Note: A permit is not required for Red Claw and there are no size or bag limits. The crayfish are so abundant that you’re asked to not return any of your catch to the water!
This article is featured in our 2023 – 2024 Central Queensland Highlands Visitor Guide. Pick up your free copy from any of our Visitor Information Centres or see the online version here.